This is Cubs
8 to 10½ years

Cubs in a canoe

Ready to start your adventure!

Cubs is an amazing section to start your Scouting journey. Cubs is open to all aged 8 to 10½ years.

Develop new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.

What we get up to

When you join Cubs you will be learning a whole range of different skills, take part in loads of activities and explore the great outdoors.

Cubs on the water

It's all about the camps and activity days

As a Cub, you will get the opportunity to go on loads of different camps and activity days.

Getting out of your comfort zone

Being a cub means having the confidence to get out of your comfort zone and try something new be it scaling a climbing wall or taking about yourself in front of others. 

Cub on a climbing wall
Group of cubs

Making friendships that last

When you join Cubs, you will make a whole host of new friends who will be with you throughout your scouting life and beyond.