This is Scouts
10½ to 14 years

It's never too late to start your adventure

Scouts is open to all aged 10½ to 14 years

Scouts is all about jumping in and getting muddy, giving back, and getting set. Scouts ignore the butterflies and go for it, and soon so will you.

What we get up to

When you join Scouts you will be learning a whole range of different skills, taking part in loads of activities and exploring the great outdoors.

It's all about the adventure

As a Scout you will get the chance to push yourself, doing this you never thought you could do.

Building skills for life

Scouts is all about trying new things and learning a range of skills from backwoods cooking, to learning to fish.

Making friendships that last

When you join Scouts, you will make a whole host of new friends who will be with you throughout your scouting life and beyond.